Jamaal Barber

Jamaal Barber

Good Fences Make Good Neighbors

August 17, 2024 – October 6, 2024

Culture is a collective manifestation of customs, arts, social institutions, and achievements. While culture is shared, we safeguard it against people looking to redefine it. We hold pieces of it, a sliver of our understanding of Blackness, and reference it whenever we have unexpected encounters. We judge the authenticity of a thing against what we know to be accurate as naturally as we see predators in the jungle. We sense it with a certainty born of the need to survive the trauma of American racial dynamics. We feel the collective is a part of us and protect it as we would ourselves. This space manifests the spirit of Blackness. It’s full of color, movement, joy, and life. The construction in the back of the space is a physical representation of the spirit we hold true, embued with the spirit of our ancestors. The gate keeps guard of the space of Blackness.


Jamaal Barber

Jamaal Barber is a creative, imaginative soul born in Virginia and raised in North Carolina. In 2013, after seeing a screen printing demo at a local art store, Jamaal started experimenting with printmaking, making it his primary focus. His woodcuts and mixed-media prints illustrate the new Folio Society special edition of The Underground Railroad written by Colson Whitehead. Jamaal recently participated in the MTV/Smithsonian Channel art competition show The Exhibit. He has also worked for Twitter, the New York Times, Penguin Random House, Black Art in America, and Emory University.

In 2004, Jamaal moved to Atlanta, GA, with his wife and two children.

IG/threads: @jbarberstudio


Sliver Space gallery map

Imported Layers Created with Sketch.

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