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100,000 Cubicle Hours
100,000 Cubicle Hours
January 13, 2012 – March 24, 2012
100,000 Cubicle Hours
Curated by Beth Malone and Courtney Hammond, of Dashboard Co-Op
Nikita Gale, Andrew Hammond, Takuro Masuda, Matt Sigmon
Humans spend approximately 100,000 hours working—100,000 hours spent away from friends, family, mates, and in some cases, the person we consider ourselves to be. On the job our behavior is appropriate, polite … tight. We become unrecognizable, an alter ego. Our office job alter egos have work clothes, a work voice, a work computer, work jargon, agendas, lists, meetings, lunch breaks, conference calls, performance reviews, and cubicles.
Having recently started “real jobs” themselves, the artists in 100,000 Cubicle Hours have created an office environment to give viewers a sense of what it’s like for creative types to bumble around under fluorescent lighting, secretly playing within the gray space in an effort to keep their spirits intact.
Don’t have a copy of our seasonal brochure? Get the current Winter 2012 booklet HERE.
Image: Beth Malone and Courtney Hammond, Gray Space (detail), 2011, Digital collage, Courtesy the artists