Yancy Villa

Mar 23, 2023 - Jun 4, 2023
ICE: Separating Families and Melting Memories

Presenting the digital simulation “ICE: Separating Families and Melting Memories”, a visual and auditory experience.

ICE (U.S. Immigration and Custom Enforcement) separating families at the US-Mexico border. Children placed alone inside cages without their parents causing irreversible trauma with the fading memory of a loving parent.

Audio composed by Yasmine Omari


Yancy Villa

Yancy Villa is a socially engaged artist and civic design consultant who seeks to create awareness, engage in conversation, and encourage social justice, urban planning, equity, public policy, and community prosperity.

Villa is a 2020-2022 Kennedy Center Citizen Artist Fellow. In 2019, she was recognized as one of “40 Change Makers Who Have Made Memphis Better in the Past 40 Years.” Internationally, the Mexican Ministers of Foreign Affairs and Culture recognized her as an artist working on binational art initiatives for public diplomacy.

Her work ranges from civic design and public art to urban planning and activism. Her form provides a platform that encourages collaboration and dialogue across sectors to activate public spaces, inform and guide city plans and architectural design of neighborhood developments, and city investment in community spaces through genuine resident engagement.


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