Atlanta Contemporary welcomes a local bartender to become the Mixologist-in-Residence – here we invite the purveyors of Atlanta’s cocktail culture to share their story – over a finely crafted drink – with our audiences.


Nikki Searcy

Nikki Searcy, the “Mistress of Mixology”, has been working in the hospitality service industry for close to two decades. She has spent the last 10 years bartending at a variety of venues, clubs, and restaurants in Atlanta. Currently, she owns and operates a professional bartending service, Liberating Libations, as well as Simply Natural For You, specializing in “mixing” natural & organic fruit juices.

Upcoming Events

December 21 / 12:00pm
Special Event

Pop-Up Record Store

with Stokely's Records

December 21 / 2:00pm

Weekly Fall Exhibition Tour

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