July’s Contemporary Classroom instructors are Sophia Dawson and Andrea Arreguin. Sophia’s focus is on applying critical analysis when viewing and making art. Andrea is going in depth into printmaking with lessons in Spanish. Click here to see Sophia’s lessons on art and critical analysis.

Artista invitada Andrea Arreguin va dar lecciones sobre los grabados en español. Para ver estas lecciones, oprime el enlace. Andrea se refiere a varios artistas locales para mostrar las diferentes formas de crear grabados.

Video 1 | 7 de julio de 2020
Bienvenidos! Este video se va a dedicar a explicar lo que son los grabados. Vamos a explorar las diferentes formas de grabados, las diferentes técnicas, y también varios artistas que se dedican hacer grabados. Para ver más sobre estos artistas, visiten sus páginas de Instagram.@jbarberstudio | @greaseandgold | @son_petit_mort

Video 2
| 14 de julio de 2020
En este video nos vamos a enfocar sobre solamente una de las formas de grabados que discutimos en el primer video; los grabados en relive. Vamos a discutir el tipo de imágenes que se pueden acer. Después vamos a practicar las dos formas.

Video 3
| 21 de julio de 2020
Ya que sabemos un poco más sobre la práctica de los grabados, vamos a empezar el proceso de crear los dibujos que van a usar para sus linograbados. Este video va ser dedicado a la explicación sobre qual va ser el motivo de sus dibujos.

Video 4
| 28 de julio de 2020
Este es el video final de la serie de los grabados! En este video voy a explicar y demostrar el proceso de crear y hacer in linograbado paso a paso. Todo relaciónado a los materiales, el proceso, y el producto final es explicado en este video.

Contemporary Classroom

Contemporary Classroom es un programa que educa a los niños de kínder al grado 12 sobre varios medios de arte en conjunto con los Fine Art National Standards of Excellence. Artistas locales facilitarán un proyecto de arte al mes en donde los niños van a explorar exhibiciones de el pasado y de el presenté, crear obras de arte originales, y mostrar sus proyectos por Zine o por una plataforma digital. Por ser programa virtual, estas lecciones van a ser publicadas cada Martes.

Para ver estas lecciones, oprime el enlace.


Andrea Arreguin

My interest in art has been strong since I was young. I carried on my passion for art until I was able to apply my skills in my art classes in high school. During my freshman year, I won 1st place out of my grade in the school’s juried show and participated in the 2011 art show at the Georgia National Fair. I continued creating art throughout high school and even became a member of The Nation Arts Honor Society at my school. As a senior in 2014, I was able to once again participate in the art show at the Georgia National Fair and placed 2nd in the youth art division. I also participated in the youth art show at the Perry Art Center in Perry, GA. I decided to begin my studies as an art education major at Georgia State University in 2017. I have learned a lot during my years at Georgia State University and the education that I have received has allowed me to widen my art skills. Some of the mediums that I work with include, but are not limited to drawing, printmaking, photography, painting, and ceramics. My time at Georgia State University has also given me the chance to participate in art shows and galleries. In 2018, I participated in Finish Lines (a print show). In the same year I had my work chosen to be in the Cage Space gallery located in Atlanta, Georgia. As I continue my education at Georgia State University, I expect to develop more skills to guide me in becoming a better artist and an even better educator. With a strong influence from vocal artist Selena Quintanilla, sculptor Do Ho Suh, and photographer Anthony Hernandez, creating art has become a way for me to address my identity and addressing being Mexican American. Over the years, I have been able to create meaningful art that shows a focus on these two major parts of me all with the help and guidance from instructors and mentors. Demonstrating the relationship between my two cultures has shown me the importance of cultural representation. I plan to continue exploring my identity through art and is something that I look forward to addressing in my future classroom as well.


Click here to watch the Contemporary Classroom videos on YouTube.

Para ver estas lecciones, oprime el enlace.

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